Tuesday, June 07, 2011


I brewed up an IPA modeled after a Stone IPA clone recipe from the Clone Brews book by the Szamatulskis. Had another blow-out with this brew sometime between Sunday afternoon and Monday afternoon when I went to check on it and my brew had bubbled over some and there was no sanitizing solution left in the bubbler. No beer made it to the floor this time.

I also converted a cooler to a mash tun, but I'm not enamored with it's performance as I did need to add water multiple times. It was my first time and I don't think I added hot enough water on my initial strike, so we'll try again and see how it works. I do need to get or make a z fitting (or maybe a single elbow will work) to get the line lower on the drain side of the cooler. Also made a wort chiller with 30' of 3/8" copper tubing and some washing machine hosing.

3 lbs. 2-row malt
6 oz. 20L

The grains were mashed in my new cooler mash tun at 145 to 150 F for 90 minutes with 2 gallons of water to start and 1 tbsp of 5.2 pH stabilizer. I added around 3 quarts of boiling water at various times. I added 2 gallons of ~200 F water and let it sit for ~30 minutes. (I will not spend this much time with the next one, but this book calls for 90 minute mashes which is just unnecessary)

Poured off to my boiling pot and began heating. Added the following extracts:
3.3 lbs light LME
3.7 lbs light DME

Brought to a boil, added 1 oz Northern Brewer (this is where my recipe differs, Chinook are called for) and 1/2 oz Magnum. At 45 minutes added 1 oz Columbus and 1 tsp of Irish Moss. At 55 minutes I added 1 oz. of Centennial. Cooled with the new wort chiller, poured into the fermenter, pitched yeast and aerated for about 15 minutes before foaming too much. Put in basement to ferment for 1 week. Will transfer and dry hop this weekend and should bottle 10-12 days from now.

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